SOFENA LTD is a company registered under the Commercial Law in 2005 with the main activity of performing energy audits of buildings, industrial systems and artificial lighting systems.

The company is owned by Sofia Energy Agency – SOFENA (founded in 2001 under a contract between Sofia Municipality and the European Commission) and uses the full expertise and technical potential of the Agency. It is entered in the registers under Art. 44 and Art. 60 of the Energy Efficiency Act respectively for auditing and certification of buildings and for the inspection of industrial systems. The certificates were issued by the Sustainable Energy Development Agency with a deadline of 2020 and 2021 respectively.

The experts of SOFENA Ltd. have more than 10 years of experience in the field of energy efficiency audits and have rich professional experience in the field of building constructions, electrical engineering, heat engineering and power engineering. By 2016, over 90 energy efficiency audits have been carried out, and experts have also participated in a number of national and European projects.

According to the requirements of the Energy Efficiency Act SOFENA LTD has devices for measuring electrical and non-electrical quantities related to energy audits, some of which are: thermal camera, network analyzer, gas analyzer and others.

The company also provides consulting services in the field of energy efficiency, optimization of systems and processes in industrial enterprises and buildings, use of renewable energy sources and implementation of energy management systems according to BDS EN ISO 50001: Energy management systems. SOFENA Ltd. performs technical and economic analyzes and consultations for the application of enterprises and owners of buildings for European and national financing, including credit lines and the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund.

SOFENA LTD has implemented and implements a quality management system according to the requirements of BDS EN ISO 9001:2015 from 17.02.2023 with the scope of application:
Consulting services, energy efficiency surveys, audits and management systems training.

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