Monthly Archives: November 2018

The ASSOSIATION OF BULGARIAN ENERGY AGENCIES is organising its XIII National conference “INTELLIGENT CITIES AND REGIONS: Integrated Energy Management and Development, Bioeconomy, Nearly- Zero Energy Buildings”. The Conference will be held in Sofia, Balkan Hotel, Serdika Hall on 4th December 2018, at 13:00.


We are inviting you to participate in the conference and the accompanying events. The goal is to draw the attention of national institutions, municipalities, businesses and the public to current topics in the field of integrated energy management and development, smart cities with “smart” buildings with nearly- zero energy consumption and clean air, and the possibility for investments in innovation.


For the ninth year in succession ABEA will award the most innovative and efficient installations on biomass and solar energy, divided into two categories in the Bulgarian National RES Champions League. The competition is based on strict criteria covering technical specifications of the installations, their efficiency profile and their innovative nature.  The RES Champions League aims to facilitate seamless adaptation of local communities to the rapidly changing energy situation. Realising both the effects of climate change and rising oil prices, local authorities and stakeholders sometimes are frustrated by being unable to find solutions which can be applied to address these problems.


The main topics of the conference:


The challenges to the Bulgarian energy policies – national and municipal targets and challenges

Intelligent city – sustainable energy and climate development

From energy efficiency buildings to buildings with nearly zero energy consumption

Investments for innovation and their realization in municipalities


Information and demonstration stand in the conference hall will be available. The new tools and training platforms will be demonstrated. You can try the platforms and ask our experts.


Expected participants:


Mayors, city council members, municipality experts

Representatives of businesses in the spheres of EE and RES

Experts form energy agencies, universities and R&D organisations

Representatives of companies




We invite you to join us like delegate to share your point of view and ideas.

A Training and Strategy Workshop for Cooperation Management with Capacity WORKS within the EUKI – Academy was organized in the period 12-16.11.2018, in Warsaw, Poland.

Under the professional facilitation of Stefan Friedrichs the participants from Bulgaria, Lithuania, Greece, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Germany and Poland have learnt about the model of Capacity WORKS and its 5 elements: Strategy, Cooperation, Steering Structure, Processing and Learning &Innovations. Many challenges in managing projects were discussed and analysed through the model of Capacity WORKS.

The formed working groups under each of the 5 elements defined different obstacles, challenges and threatens in the implementation of the presented EUKI projects and by playing role games and discussing real issues, a workable decisions for overcoming the issues were pointed out.

A lot of common features and characteristics in the projects were discovered and a base for good cooperation among the projects were laid.

Within the workshop each participant had also the possibility to present its project in an innovative and attractive way.

SOFENA is implementing one project under EUKI Program – Municipal Energy Management project, in cooperation with KSA, EnerGap and KREA. It was presented by Diana Galeva from SOFENA and Leonie Grothues – from KSA.

Here are some photos.


For more information you could visit: ©EUKI/GIZ and @EUKI_Climate or

We challenge you to show what your office habits are for saving energy!


To advertise your startup or SMEs across the EU and win great prizes!

We will distribute 4 Bamboustics mobile phone speakers and a smart Energomonitor!

The sooner you enter the race, the greater the chances of winning.



With three steps, show how you save energy in the office:

  1. Take a picture or video!
  2. Describe with a few sentences!
  3. Send us them at or @START2ACTon Facebook or Twitter using #S2Achallenge.

Hurry, the contest has already been announced!

The competition has already begun, there will be only 4 monthly prizes and a final prize at the end (5 chances in total) with a deadline of 15 February 2019.

The dates of the monthly prizes are as follows:

November 30, 2018 – 1st Bamboustics

December 14, 2018 – 2nd Bamboustics

January 31, 2018 – 3rd Bamboustics

February 15, 2018 – 4th Bamboustics and one main “Energomonitor”

Deadline for proposals – Friday, February 15, 2019

For more details:

Do not think anymore, this is your chance to ACT at START2ACT!

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more information on how to save energy.

Sofia Energy Agency – SOFENA, in cooperation with the Union of Automation and Informatics “John Atanasov”, organize an information day on the project SMARTEL – Vocational training for electricians in the field of smart metering and home automation, that will be held on 29.11.2018 in Sofia, GS “St. Rakovski Str., Fl. 2, Hall 3 of the Federation of the Scientific Engineering Unions.

The event will be attended by representatives of vocational training centers from all over the country, as well as lecturers from educational institutions and various experts and specialists in the field of home automation.

The main topic of the event will be the presentation of the Erasmus + project, an online course and teaching materials developed within the framework of the project, which are innovative and include the latest developments in the field of building automation.

The afternoon session will provide detailed guidance and information on how to work with the online version of all 6 modules and an online course in Bulgarian, including topics such as home automation, intelligent control systems, sensors and actuators, programming and installation “Smart” devices that are publicly available online at: .

More information about the upcoming event can be obtained from the project web site: or contact the staff of SOFENA directly at 029434401 or email:

Participation in the information day is free!

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