A workshop on”Dissemination and Public Relations Training for EUKI Implementing Organizations and Partners” was held on 7th and 8th March 2019 in Berlin. Different communication strategies, the use of social media in implementation of international projects, as well as the creation of video and small reports on topical issues were presented. SOFENA also participated in the training as a partner in the project “Municipal Energy Management”.
The 2nd Annual Conference of EUKI Initiative (Making Transformation Happen through Strengthening Climate Cooperation within the European Union) was hеld in Berlin on 5th and 6th March 2019. Representatives of all EUKI projects implemented on the territory of Europe participated in the event. A lot of good examples of successful practices in climate actions were shared and discussed. The organized workshops created the atmosphere for exchanging thoughts, ideas and workable solutions for strengthening the climate cooperation in EU. The conference aimed to be an example for good synergy for implementing the Paris Agreement in the EU. SOFENA was presented by the project “Municipal Energy Management” and participated in the workshop “Greening the EU Building Stock: Breathing New Life into Renovation Strategies” where senior expert Diana Galeva had the chance to share the MEM achievements.
BMU/André Wagenzik, 2. Jahreskonferenz Europäische Klimaschutzinitiative (EUKI) | 05.-06.03.2019
BMU/André Wagenzik, 2. Jahreskonferenz Europäische Klimaschutzinitiative (EUKI) | 05.-06.03.2019