Monthly Archives: September 2020

SOFENA`s team prepared the structure of the training program in TRECE project.

The 6 modules aim to develop the key competence of social workers in their daily duties of support and help of energy poor people and households in each of the 5 partner-countries.

In the training could participate also representatives of NGOs and local and regional public authorities that have tools to help vulnerable people in situation of energy poverty.

The last but not the least target group is this part of the population that is defined as energy poor. The modules: EE appliances and equipment; Energy suppliers and billing and Subsidies for energy poor people are of great importance for them as they aim to provide tools for improving their comprehension in energy consumption, give them information for financial mechanisms for support and provide solutions for reducing the energy consumption by easy and useful change in their behavior at home.

The duration of each module is supposed to be within 4-6 hours and will include theoretical and practical part with a test in the end of the training.

All partners will take place in the preparation of the modules. The structure of the training program and the responsible partner for each one are as follows:

  • Energy saving measures and measures of energy consumption interpretation – SOFENA
  • EE appliances and equipment – ENERO
  • Energy suppliers and billing – SOFENA
  • ICT tools and solutions for EE at home – SGS
  • RES and climate change – CRES
  • Subsidies for energy poor people – financial models in each country – LEAG

For more information, please visit also project`s website on:

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