LIFE-BECKON stimulates and boosts the deployment of Energy Communities across Europe by developing and delivering comprehensive support mechanisms for public authorities, promoters and Local Action Groups to better equip them to facilitate the creation of Energy Communities.
The project includes Technical Assistance cookbook, Technical Assistance Offices, Capacity Building program via Train the Trainer approach to increase stakeholder knowledge and integrated services via One-Stop-Shop platform. Within the project will be conducted pilots in 3 supra municipal areas in Avila-ES, Sofia-BG and Copenhagen-DK. Replication of the mechanism and best practices will be spread in more than 30 authorities during the 2 year duration of the project.
Expected impacts include investments exceeding 38M €, primary energy savings of 20 GWh/y, renewable energy generation of 12 GWh/y, greenhouse gases emission reduction of 4,500 tCO2/y by the end of the project with superior upscaling in the subsequent 5 years.
The consortium includes 8 partners from 7 European countries covering the needed expertise. LIFE-BECKON has secured support from more than 90 entities via LoS from municipalities, energy agencies, public authorities, associations and SMEs.
List of partners:
R2M Solution Spain; Climate Alliance; WEGLOBAL; Diputacion de Avila; City of Copenhagen; European Network of Living Labs; Tampere University of Applied Sciences; and our team of Sofia Energy Agency