The partners from Lisbon NOVA IMS University – UNIVERSIDADE NOVA DE LISBOA – hosted the 1st General Assembly meeting in Lisbon on 26-27.04.2023.
All partners took part and the work package lead partners presented their work and developed documents under the project.
SOFENA, as a lead partner of WP 3 presented the progress of the tasks under this WP.
We are proud to announce that deliverable 3.1. – PESTLE Analysis and benchmarking of best practices implementation of local flexibility markets in participating countries and EU is submitted successfully by the partners from WeGlobal and now EC approval is expecting.
The desk research on the Regulatory framework of the local flexibility markets under task 3.2 is also completed and as soon as we receive all partners` RIA questionnaires completed we will start our work on the Report for Regulatory Impact Analysis for LFMs in the EU and especially 10 EU countries including Bulgaria, France, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Ireland and Romania.
At the moment the partners from R2M are also collecting information from the consortium under task 3.3 for innovative energy services in the EU and participating countries as they will prepare mapping of the relevant services in LFMs.
The task 3.4 is in a very early stage and the colleagues convey some surveys and negotiations with potential partners for funding the customers journey to participate in LFMs.